William Kneeland Gallagher 1940-2008: A letter from Sue

Monday, April 4, 2011

A letter from Sue

Sue King just wrote to me:
'My TESOL professor/your Abba

Dear Sara, i wanted to write you 2 or 3 days ago because all of a sudden your dad came to my mind and I was wishing he were still here to share the joy of his lil daughter's joy in motherhood. And wondering how full it would make his life. .. and how full he made the lives of those he touched with his warmth, humor, unique viewpoints, his teasing ways. I can hardly think of a thing he would take at face value - he always seemed to give it his "slant", his wry comment, to the mundane.

It was so cool the way i thought of him .. like for a second in remembering him, he seemed nearby. Please remember that Sara - that you can, in a sense, have him with you just by your love. It is the highest power between people. It would be worth a try to talk to him in the moment you are loving/laughing at your son and wanting to share that moment with your dad. So go ahead and share it and enjoy him enjoying the moment too.'

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