William Kneeland Gallagher 1940-2008: Breaths

Monday, May 7, 2012


I heard this song today and thought of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3e-zLKyZLw

Breaths by Sweet Honey in the Rock
Listen more often, to things than to beings(2x) Tis the ancestors words, when the fires voice is heard Tis the ancestors words, in the voice of the water aaaaahhhhhh, chhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, chhhhhhhhhh
Those who have died, have never never left The Dead are not under the earth They are in the rusting trees, they are in the groaning woods They are in the crying grass, they are in the moaning rocks The dead are not under the earth
Listen more often, to things than to beings(2x) Tis the ancestors words, when the fires voice is heard Tis the ancestors words, in the voice of the water aaaaahhhhhh, chhhhhhhhhh, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, chhhhhhhhhh
Those who have died, have never never left The dead have a pact with the living They are in the woman's birth, they are in the waiting child They are with us in tho home, they are with us in the crowd The dead have a pact with the living

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